Lighting Observation 2 (Week 2)
1) 2/8/2011 – about 10pm – 10th floor of library
2) Looking out over Long Island and seeing city lights at night.
3) Late at night and from a high advantage point I realized that looking down upon the city gave me the feeling of quiteness and peace. There is something about the yellow light of the streetlights and how they were evenly spaced that created a relaxed feeling for me. Also looking down and seeing an occasional light inside a house that spilled out of a window was also calming because I associated it with winding down and geting ready for bed at the end of a day. The other interesting dynamic of this moment was that the New York skyline was in the background and the way it was brightly lit gave me the opposite impression. I felt as though there was a high contrast with a calm and tranquil city in the foreground and a background that felt busy and chaotic. The skyline was bright and had some bold colors which I believe helped create this feeling, as well as the fact that the light was very concentrated too.