1) Feb. 9th – 8:45 a.m – parking lot next to the main lot in front of student center: As I was walking to class through the parking lot the sun was out and shinning and the shadows that extended over the cars was my second lighting moment.
2) When I was walking to my 9 am class on Wednesday morning the sun was incredibly bright and the shadows on the pavement extended far out into the street past the cars.
3) After I parked my car in the side parking lot next to the student center I was walking to class in the freezing cold bundled up trying hard to keep as warm as possible in the 19 degree day. I was realizing as I was walking how bright the sun was and how even in this cold air the sun was doing its best to give us some heat. The majority of my walk I kept my head down trying to avoid the breeze and by doing so I had my lighting “moment.” I noticed that the shadows of the cars stretched like mountains on the pavement in front of me. They seemed to extend higher and longer than I’ve ever noticed before, so much so that the shadow almost ran into the car in the next row. Sun extended over the car casting large blob shadows of the car down onto the pavement in back of each car. These shadows could have gone on for miles if not blocked by the next row of cars. The dark light of the shadow contrasted next to either side of the bright sunlight made the shadows even more obvious and prominent.