1) Tuesday, March 8, 5pm, walking towards the NAB between Lowe and Memorial
2) A setting sun through trees and and a colorful horizon
3) As I was walking to the NAB between Lowe and Memorial, I noticed a bright orange sky low on the horizon. I was looking through the stone archway between the buildings and this created a sort of picture frame. As I kept looking, I noticed that the above the orange sky was a low blue gray cloud spanning the horizon. This created an interesting layered effect on the horizon. To the left of this, the sun was just over the corner of another building (the one next to Weed Hall) and was very bright shining through the the branches of a tree. The tree was moving around in the wind making the sun appear to shimmer in the evening light. The fact that the horizon was such an interesting combination of colors and the sun was still fairly high in the sky created an odd sort of light but it was also bright and happy. It was a unique combination of light and color and created an uplifting feeling.