2nd Light Observation Week 7

FORMAT (Lighting Observations)
You should arrange your journal entries as follows:

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: When and where you had your lighting “moment”

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Simply identify what the light you are talking about is. Describe well enough for someone who is not there to understand what the light is.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: This should be a creative and imaginative description of the lighting “moment”. Assign a feeling or emotion to the lighting; find the “poetry” of the moment.

4) ASSIGN CATEGORY & TAGS: Category should be “Lighting Observation”. Include your first name as at least one tag, other optional tags can be added to describe the post.

FORMAT (Photo)
You should arrange your journal entries as follows:

1) Upload Photo and insert into post.

2) Attribute the Photo, tell us where it came from.

3) THEME: Identify the photo theme (as assigned in class)

4) DESCRIPTION: This should be a creative and imaginative description of the lighting and why it fits the assigned theme

5) ASSIGN CATEGORY & TAGS: Category should be “Photo Observation”. Include your first name as at least one tag, other optional tags can be added to describe the post.

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