1) March 22nd – 4:00 p.m – Suffolk Lounge, 3rd floor: I had my first lighting moment today when I was working out in the lounge this afternoon.
2) The light came from the sun and shined through the window and blinds and onto the linolium floor where my water bottle was placed. The reflection of the sun against the water bottle made the colors yellow, blue and purple refract onto the linolieum floor.
3) As I was exercising, I noticed that my water bottle was making the floor in front of me different colors. The sun shown in through the blinds on the third floor. It made one inch lines of sunshine on the floor and where my water bottle was placed the sun hit it perfectly and refracted different colors onto the floor. When I looked at the water bottle I saw the source of the light in the water bottle was a bright yellow light. Similar to a small sun then the colors blue, green and a slight purple shown through the water bottle and onto the drab floor. The beams of light weren’t that long but they were enough that you could see them and make out the individual colors. It was a rainbow of color in a usually drab, white, sterile room. It was really cool to witness and so ironically placed for it to happen the way it did.