1) April 26th – 10p.m – on the sidewalk of Hempstead turnpike: I had my 2nd lighting moment while looking through a fence onto Hempstead turnpike.
2) The light was seen through the open spaces of a neighborhood fence. Colors and the size of the lights from cars and the glowing lights from fast food joints across the road were skewed through the small open spaces.
3) The bright lights and from headlights of cars and the neon, unnatural light coming from across the street fast eatery’s were blurred and skewed through the fence that was in front of me. When I concentrated on looking through one time space everything on the other side of it appeared small and within itself. As opposed to taking in the fence and everything on the other side of it that made it big and bright. The cars where going by really fast and since it was dark out the light glowed especially bright. Colors were sharp in the darkness and I felt like I was in the city at one point being bombarded with unnatural, glowing light.