Lighting Observation #2
1. February 8th 2012, 6:00 PM outside the NAB on Hofstra campus.
2. The light from the Halogen lights on the West side of Emily Lowe fell across the silver wall of the NAB, the bare branches between them casting shadows on the wall.
3. It’s cold today. The sky is a bluish-grey. A bit of snow is falling, but not thick enough to alter the light around us. The sun is nearly set, but without the glowing splendor we’ve come to enjoy at Hofstra—All dusk means tonight is that the lights come on while the sky turns to dark. The lights have come on, if we were on the other side of the building, the red-orange glow could easily be mistaken for the last rays of sunset. The shadows of the trees are distinct: sharp, dark and slightly foreboding. It’s a gobo in a halloween scare-show. Or maybe Snow White’s nightmare-filled woods. Perhaps the bare forest in a New England winter as Abigail Williams and her friends dance in the outskirts of Salem. Hofstra University is not a scary place (gunshots heard from Hempstead notwithstanding). This single location, this single splash of light and color, however, catches for a moment a classic image of terror.