Lighting Moment #12
1. May 2nd 2 am Hempstead Turnpike
2. Thunderstorm clouds rolled in with bolts of lighting
3. Driving home, it had started to pour. The kind of thunder storm that shakes the ground under you.In front of me is not only the road but alot of angry sky. As I drove a few bolts connected to the ground but one stuck out. This one was directly in front of me and bright. It was a shock to my eyes that were trying desperately to digest the lights in front of me. Knowing the nature of light and the colors it can manifest into this blue beam streaking down seemed mysterious since it not only had a unique color but it somehow brightened the entire sky. Depriving eyes of intensity would also cause some sort of starvation that has been shown to work very successfully on stage. Thus this was just nature making a statement and adding variety to the lighting it already supplies us with.