1) Wednesday March 12, 2014 in New Academic building Black Box.
2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was backstage in the black box waiting for my cue line during Don Juan rehearsal. In this scene, I have to come in very upset/distraught, so I was trying to prepare for that.
3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: While anticipating my entrance, I stared up at the only light that was back stage. The second I stared at the center of that little light, I began to cry. However, these were tears of mixed emotion; not only were they tears from the pain/readjustment of the sudden light, but also tears of sentimentality, recollection, anger, and joy. I was washed over in emotions by this singular light. I was lifted out of myself and laid into a sea of passing feelings, each lasting incredibly briefly. It was as if a tsunami of emotion made it’s way over me without drowning me. I was relieved to not have drowned in this wave that could have turned into terror. Instead, I used it for my scene work.