1) 4/23/14 12:30 PM Walking from the Spiegle to Lowe.
2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: On this sunny afternoon, I noticed the beauty of the quad in front of Lowe when walking back from a club meeting.
3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The sun did not merely wash me in it’s seemingly unfamiliar rays (in this sparse spring season), but it truly drenched me in them! I felt a sensation of warmth, familiarity, comfort, and openness. I stopped to look up at the sun and closed my eyes to listen to it. It was as if I heard the sun speaking to me saying, “Maintain serenity; in stillness, you will find peace.” I was very confused by this situation after the fact, but it was a glorious experience. It also helped prove to me that the sun really does effect one’s mood and perspective on life. This moment of drowning was not negative; since drowning is one of my biggest fears I’m surprised that isn’t applying in this case. For a brief moment, I was relaxed at a spa, where I was bathing in this comfortable heat and homey feeling (the sun reminds me of California). I was like Gene Kelly in “Singing in the Rain” when he closes his umbrella to then dance/sing in the rain; the sun rained goodness, positivity, hope, and freedom.