Lighting Observation
Time: 11:13 am
Date: 4/18/16
Location: Subway ACE-L’Train
Objective Description: The dim-lit trains running underground give off a bleak glow as the flicker with the movement of the train. Sparks can be seen jolting off the side of the walls in the darkest of areas.
Subjective Description: The screech of the tracks brings a discomforting feeling as the dim and yellowed fluorescents flicker with unabiding inconsistency. The darkness of the tunnels is only amplified with the dimness of the train. Fellow passengers zombies in their own world, avoid eye contact, making the underground an even colder place. Against black walls of concrete, blue and yellow would streak across the window. Sparks off the tracks creating what seemed like the only presence of warmth within a dark and foreign containment.