Archive for the tag 'Vibrant'

Photo Observation

Colorful Caves Photographs Of China_007

Theme: saturated, colorful

This is a picture from the Reed Flute Caves in China. I chose this photo because I found it interesting how they had used fake lighting to make the already incredible natural phenomenon more striking. The lights help to display the interesting formations and textures of the cave, and also reflect off of the water so the cave seems even more mystical.

Photo Observation #6

2) This came from Spandy Andy’s facebook page

3) Vibrant, Colorful, Saturated

4) This picture fits the theme because it is about a guy named Andy who goes around the world wearing spandex. He picks bright and colorful spandex to stand out.

Photo Observation!


THEME: Vibrant, Colorful, Saturated

After a few bland ideas, I remembered Coney Island being a big deal in the lighting world, as well as my own fond memories of visiting it once upon a time. I searched ‘Coney Island’ tags on tumblr and when this one came up I knew it was perfect. Not just because it fits the theme, but because of how alive it is – and it’s all unnatural lighting. Nathan’s has been around since 1916 (1), so it’s essentially a Coney Island staple. The landmark mentality of all things Coney is perpetuated by the fact that everything is pretty much still there. What I love is that that combines with the fluorescent and neon of the contemporary world to show that it has adapted, for all that it will always retain it’s classic Coney feel. This picture combines the carnival-esque innocence of what Coney was with the bright and busy of the contemporary world, showing that Coney Island has withstood time and will continue adapting as long as there are people around to appreciate the history.


Lighting Observation 4.2 (The Sliver in the bluish glow)

1) 2/23/12 – 6:22 – Walking outside of the Caulkins Quad facing toward NAB

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was walking to Bits from spanish class and the sun had just set. The sky was barely lit and I could see Venus and the moon. The moon was a sliver but I could see the entire outline of it behind the shadow of the earth.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I was walking to Bits after a long and boring day of classes. I was in a bad mood as I had lots of homework and other things filling my plate. I was walking across the quad just outside of Caulkins enjoying the last few moments of light for the day. I was beginning to feel better while we walked as this was my first time outside to enjoy the spring like weather. As my friend talked to me about his day I gazed upwards, towards the sky to see the brightest objects in the night sky begin to appear as final rays of the sun beat down on campus.

The sky was a deep, and very rich blue that seemed to glow across the entirety of the sky. There was no sunset at this point, it was simply just the last bit of light that was reaching across the sky. I noticed that I must have timed it just right to be out there at this time. I noticed how usually when the sun has just set, it is still very clear where the sun is setting. The western side of the sky always has a brighter feel to it and on the eastern edge there is always almost complete darkness. Tonight was different. The sky was blanketed with an even coating of color all the way from east to west and there was no variation in intensity. As I looked up I saw Venus burning brightly in the sky. The pure, brilliant white light from Venus provided amazing contrast against the deep and glowing blue of the sky around it.

Just to the right of venus I noticed the moon very high in the sky. It was only a sliver of a moon and will probably not even exist tomorrow at this time. This sliver, like Venus, provided an amazing contrast that was so vivid in the beginnings of the night sky. Despite the fact that the moon was only a tiny sliver tonight I was still able to see the entire shape of the full moon being illuminated behind the shadow of the Earth. It was a very interesting sight and one that is very vivid in my mind. It was very cool to me to think that the Earth itself was blocking out all of that light from the sun that was being reflected from the sun. Even though the shadow was there, the sun was still powerful enough to illuminate the entire sphere for me to see against the glowing sky.


Photo Observation #1- Coloradan Sunrise

Sunrise in Boulder, Colorado

2) Photo taken on April 15, 2006. Photography by Craig Christopher in Boulder, Colorado.

3) THEME: Sunrises and Sunsets

4) DESCRIPTION: Colorado is a state overwhelmed with natural beauty. Roughly one half, the eastern half, is the plains. Simple yet beautiful. On the Western half there are great mountains offering landscapes and beautiful scenery for hundreds of square miles. The human race is fascinated with all that nature has to offer, from the tall mountains to the deep oceans and the grassy meadows to the rocky cliffs. People travel thousands of miles just to see certain spots on earth. Every evening, landscapes become enhanced all over the world as the sun sets and casts long, warmly lit shadows across the land. It is at this time that nature is enhanced and the shapes and contours of the world around us are modeled and emphasized by the beautiful light on the horizon provides for us. In Hawaii people flock from their condos each night to watch the golden ball of fire fall from bright yellow into a orange and red glow as it sets behind the ocean. When the sun returns the next morning there is always a new set of tourists and locals alike perched high above the clouds on volcanoes watching the first beams of light cast their warm shadows across the landscape in a similar way to the night before as the orange sun meets the blue sky once more.

In Colorado, many Denver Broncos fans comment on how “God must be a Bronco fan, otherwise why would the sunsets be orange and blue.” Sunsets and sunrises are universal in the fact that they happen all over the world, seven days a week, 365 days a year. There is always only one sunrise and one sunset in each day. The sun is always the same relative distance from earth each day and is burning energy in the same way; however just like a snowflake, no two sunrises or sunsets are the same. What makes a sunrise worth mentioning is when the air is pretty clear and there are a few puffy and interesting clouds in the sky. The true draw of a sunrise is not usually the actual vision of the light from the sun, but rather the lights reflection off of the particles in the air and the reflection of the colors on the clouds and other surfaces reflecting light.

What I really like about this sunrise is that it is different from the typical sunrise one might think of. In Colorado there are over 300 days of sunshine each year. If a storm of any kind moves in, it will never last long as the sun will burn off the clouds quickly and warm the air and cause the day to become very nice. This picture was taken just as the first few rays of sunlight were cresting the horizon. It had rained all night and the pollution in the air had been taken out by the rain and the air was clear and crisp. The clouds were just beginning to break and loosen up as the sun was rising. Unlike most “beautiful” sunrises and sunsets, there weren’t any big puffy clouds and rich blue sky; instead the clouds were heavy and dark and kept most of the sky black until it was thoroughly enriched by the sun’s rays. With the Sky being black it helps give a lot of contrast to the very rich and intense yellows and oranges brought out by the sun and it crests the horizon. The oranges and yellows of the light are so incredibly intense that they make the image feel as though it is being warmed. There is a great contrast with this intense light and the silhouettes of the naked cotton wood trees in the foreground. The lack of leaves on the trees gives a clearer silhouette and also creates a temperature contrast showing that it is most likely winter but the feeling the viewer gets from the colors is that the image is almost on fire. Coming back to the uniqueness of this sunrise brings me to a closing statement. Yes, I am a Colorado native and am proud to call it home, and despite how many people think that Tim Tebow is a god and is very close to Jesus I prefer to look at sunsets that remind me more of an october sky, a sky of orange and black.

Light Observation #1- Late morning sun

1) 1/29/12 – 10:30AM – My Dorm Room (Netherlands)

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: On a clear morning the sun was shining brightly on my closed window shade and light bled into the room and lit it up, no other light source was on.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: This past weekend was not the best I have ever had. I went to bed feeling pretty blue and helpless on saturday night and didn’t really have much motivation or energy as I closed my eyes. Luckily, I slept clear through the night and did not find myself tossing and turning very much. My sleep went uninterrupted all night and into the morning until around 10:30 when the sun really started to beat down hard on the single square window just to the left of my bed. Each window inside every room in the Netherlands Complex is furnished with a cheap and hardly operable window shade that takes a good five minutes to lower each night. It is the type of shade that has two long strips of fabric running from top to botom holding onto paper-thin strips of metal that when meshed together make a somewhat solid shade to block out the light from outside.

This clear morning allowed the sun to penetrate the atmosphere with ease and hit the shade with great intensity. This is when I was finally awoken from my dreams of the past and brought back into my reality. After I opened my eyes and woke my body up a little bit I threw my glasses on and looked to see what had brought me back to my reality. I scanned the window and and saw the sunlight beaming through the window, onto the tips of each white metal strip. The concentrated light on each panel was then forced through each crack between the panels and  lit my room in a muted glow. The light on the window shade was brilliant and vibrant as it peaked through; its color a very pure white. The light in my room however had a colder feeling, and was flat and muted as it bounced off the walls. There were no shadows, just a soft glow. I laid in bed for a while staring in silence thinking about my dreams and rationalizing all the old stuff that had been bothering me for the past few days. I was in the same mood that I had been the night before while I laid there constantly reflecting back on the past few years of my life. Then I looked at the window and realized the irony that in my room, the lighting was so flat and cold yet right there at my window the light was so vibrant, intense and warming yet I had my window closed, shutting that rejuvenating and happy light out of my room. Turns out that after I opened my shade, my mood was able to improve and I got some energy and motivation back once again.


Photo Observation- Week 10

2) My photos

3)Theme: Dealer’s Choice

4) My choice was vibrant and loud. This photo when you look at the colors of blue, pink and red above our heads are vibrant loud and the way the photo came out it look amazing!

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