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VLL stage

The lights used in this stage picture:

Cyc top: G995 (35%), G970 (17%), G740 (42%), BLUE (50%)

Cyc bottom: AP6300 (9%), AP1800 (90%), G395FULL

Stage: AP2220FULL, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light; NC (47%), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree side angle; AP2200FULL, 32 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, SL; AP2190FULL, 0 degree elevation angle, both SR/SL; AP1800FULL, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree back angle, both SR/SL; AP7250 (37%), -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, both SR/SL.

This lighting depicts the moment because the bright orange-yellows setting towards the bottom of the photo, leave an ombré effect that fades into a lighter hue of blues and purples and then into a darker blue towards the top of the sky. The shadow and intensity of the reds and oranges against the sides of the model, along with the slight silhouette created, give even more of an effect that the sun gives while setting.


Cyc top: AP3520 (69%), AP3600 (29%), AP2140 (42%), RED 0%.

Cyc bottom: AP2110 (32%), G335FULL, AP8840 (29%), BLUE 0%.

Stage: NC (25%), 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light; YELLOW (25%), 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, SL; YELLOW (9%), 37 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, SR; AP3800 (30%), 23 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, SL; AP3800 (16%), 23 degree elevation angle. 56 degree side angle, SR; AP2220FULL, -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, SL; AP2020 (82%), -19 degree elevation angle, 56 degree side angle, SR.

Sunrises tend to bring in lighter and cooler tones that seem more gentle and create shadows with a less harsh effect and a brighter glow. This is a depiction of a sunrise because the orange of the sun rising blends into a very light purple and an even lighter blue that becomes the daylight sky The shadows on the model are also coming from higher angles as opposed to lower angles.

VLL hawaii1

Cyc top: NC (85%), AP2000 (31%), BLUE 0%, AP2190FULL.

Cyc bottom: NC 0%, AP5400 (0%), AP3520FULL, AP2080 (39%).

Stage: NC FULL, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, center; AP6150 (73%), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree side angle, SL; AP6150 (30%), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree side angle, SR; AP6150 (56%), 51 degree elevation angle SL; AP6150 (51%), 51 degree elevation angle, SR; G680 (15%), 27 degree elevation angle, SL; G680 (47%), 27 degree elevation angle, SR.

This image portrays a hot day at noon in Hawaii. The sun is just about to reach its peak height creating a yellow-blue tinge at the top of the screen/cyc due to the sun’s position, and a clear blue sunny day closer towards the middle and bottom of the cyc.

VLL Maine1

Cyc top: G109 (95%), RED 0%, GRN 0%, BLUE (8%).

Cyc bottom: YELLOW 76%, RED 0%, GRN (0%), BLUE (69%).

Stage: NC FULL, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, center; AP6300 (42%), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree side angle, SL; AP4630 (66%), 42 degree elevation angle, 48 degree side angle, SR; AP2000FULL, 61 degree elevation angle, SL; AP2030FULL, 61 degree elevation angle, SR; AP2140FULL, 54 degree elevation angle, direct back light, center.

This is a portrayal of a winter afternoon in Maine as the days end earlier in the winter, and the sun is starting its descend. It isn’t quite a sunset yet, but the sky begins to glow a warm, pinkish hue, and a soft yellow can be seen towards where the sun is beginning to set. The shadows cast a blueish/yellow silhouette and, in this photo, are cast mostly by back light.