Archive for the tag 'beth'

Lighting Observation #12

Date/Time/Location: May 6 at 4:44pm in Tennessee

Objective Description: The light coming in the windows to hit my dogs’ fur

Subjective Description: The light coming in the windows doesn’t really have much color to it. It’s pretty bright, but any color from the sun is taken away by the amount of clouds covering the sky from the storm earlier in the day. Regardless of the lack of color, the way it reflects off of my dogs’ fur is interesting. Jessie is a reddish-blondish color, but the light takes the red out of her fur and makes her seem a little more dull. Calvin is a very light blondish color, so the light reflecting off of him makes him look even brighter than he is normally. Jessie becomes more a part of the surroundings, while Calvin seems very removed from it


  1. Attributes: Google
  2. Theme: Summer
  3. Description: I really love this image because I feel like it really shows the mood of summer. The brightness of the sun through the leaves really feels like how a summer day does. I also love the vibrancy of the colors in the image. The bright green of the trees and grass easily says that it’s a summer day, but what really makes it obvious is the brilliant blue color of the sky. That color is not often present in other seasons

Wild Card

Attributes: Found in google images

Theme: Wild Card

Description: I really love this photo because I think the way the mirrors mess with the lights is really cool. There’s not much visible effect from the light, but the way that the black of the background fades into the warm yellowish color of the light as it gets deeper is really interesting. The simplicity of the color scheme is also really appealing, too, because it makes the image look darker than I think it would if there were lots of colorful lights. I also really like how you can only tell there are people because of the absence of light in some places.

Lighting Moment

Date/Time/Location: April 27 at 9:45 in the Netherlands

Objective Description: The purple fairy lights wrapped around the room and the warmth of a single lamp

Subjective Description: The purple fairy lights wrap around the corner of the room. They don’t provide much light given the other light source in the room, but they do give the space a bit of life and liveliness that would otherwise be absent. The fairy lights are changing and flickering, turning on and off every few seconds. The purple, combined with the warmth of the single lamp in the corner, give the room a warm, inviting, and lively feeling, drawing the inhabitants closer and giving a sense of connection

Surreal Photo Observation

  1. Attributes: google images
  2. Theme: Surreal
  3. Description: I chose this picture because of the obviously bizarre sky, but also because of the way the light plays with it. In the picture, the light for the sky, child, and ground is very similar in color and brightness, so it makes it all look like one picture even though it clearly can’t be. I also really like how the light plays with the bends in the fabric to make it look both like sunbeams and a little bit like a tent. The sunbeams lend to the realistic portion of the sky, while the tent-esque structure the light helps create makes the picture more metaphorical and surreal

Lighting Observation #10

  1. Date/Time/Location: April 19, 7:27 pm in Constitution
  2. Objective Description: The bright orange light spilling into my window during golden hour
  3. Subjective Description: The light that spills in through the window fills the room with a warm sort of glow. It is bright and brilliant, warm and enticing, but in the corner of the room, the light is even more intense. The corner, rather than just being filled with a gentle wash, is covered in a brilliant orange glow. The brightness of the light seems almost unearthly. Its glow reflects off a mirror and onto the opposite wall, just missing me, but filling the room further with it a rich, golden, energetic warmth

Four Seasons Lighting

1. A Fall Sunset In Vermont – For this lighting, I wanted to get the lighting from one direction since the sun was setting, so I put it on the SR side. I used three different colors for the orangey light to get some variation. I also added in some blue light since I noticed that in a lot of sunsets, there’s a decent amount of blue light present as well as the orange. The cyc is a deeper orange-red color to give an idea of the fall leaves

2. An Easter Sunrise In A Gothic cathedral – I also wanted to incorporate the single direction of light into this design, but I was also thinking about how the light is warped and changed when it goes through stained glass windows. For these lights, I used a lot of different colors of light through a gobo to get a sort of marbled or stained glass effect. Then, I used a window gobo to make it seem like the light was coming in a window. I also wanted to incorporate the inside lighting of the cathedral itself, so there’s some white-ish, grayish lighting up high and on the cyc

3. Noon On A Hot Summer Day In The Caribbean – For this lighting, I did several lights (warmer white) all focused on the person to get the bright, sunny effect. Then, I did some wider beams to get the effect of sand and warmth. I also used blue lights from downstage and on the cyc to give the effect of a bright blue sky

4. Winter Afternoon Just Before The Snow – On this scene, I wanted to get across that the sun is blocked by clouds, so to achieve this effect I tried two things. First, I put a gobo on most of the lights that reach the floor to indicate that the light is broken up by the clouds. This also creates an effect that looks fairly snowy. I also used really wide beams to spread this effect as far as I could. To make the stage look cold, I used blue lights on the person themself and on the cyc

Lighting Observation #9

  1. Date/Time/Location – April 13 at 7:03 from Constitution
  2. Objective Description – The grayish/cloudy light coming into my window
  3. Subjective Description – The light coming in my window is really soft. There’s no harshness to it and no significant color. Everything but an ever so slightly warm-ish light coming gently through the window is blocked by the clouds across the sky. That gentle light covers my room like a blanket. It’s bright enough to see everything with significant detail without being harsh and overbearing. The soft lighting brings the vibes of the best afternoon nap you could possibly ever have


Attributes: Found on google

Theme: Spring

Description: I chose this picture because I really like the white lighting. Spring has never really felt like a particularly warm season, so I like that it’s not much of a warm light. It’s always felt like the cool, blue tones of winter fading into the warmer, more yellowish tones of summer, so this light is the happy medium. The white light combined with the pink of the trees looks like new beginnings and fresh starts. I also like the way that the trees close to the camera don’t look like they’ve got all their blossoms yet, so it’s really clear that it’s the season of growth

Lighting Observation #8

Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, April 6 at 7:40 in Bits and Bytes

Objective Description: The ceilings lights shining on the tables

Subjective Description: The lights in Bits are directly above the tables, and in this case, right above me. They shine down and make each of the faces around the table kinda strangely shadowed, especially in pictures. When someone looks up at you, their face is really bright, but when you look at them across the table, it looks pretty normal. Despite the bright lighting when you look up, the room itself seems a little dark. It’s not because of a lack of light, it’s just because the paint on the walls is a deep green that takes the light and makes it feel a little darker

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