Archive for the tag 'Cookie'

Beja Light Observation:

Date, Time, Location: Wednesday February 9th, 2011; 1:26AMish, at home

Objective Description: nightlight in the kitchen onto the box of cookies I was after.

Subjective Description: on my nighttime voyage for snacks, I noticed the nightlight on the counter. It was facing down and was the only light on in the whole house. Directly under this single white beam of light was a bag of Pepperidge farm cookies. As the bag was being lit from above, flickering, it became more defined. This ominous glowing made a halo effect. And just as important as the light, was the darkness. The other snack food on either side of this holy bag of cookies was just shy of hitting the light, and could only be seen by the silhouetted against the back wall. This effect made it appear as if the less important snacks were in these cookies shadows. After I saw this “light moment” I proceeded to eat a cookie… it was delicious.