Archive for the tag '#don’t be so harsh'

Lighting Observation #5

  1. Thursday, March 10th. Around 9:00pm at the corner of Stuyvesant looking across Oak street to the Netherlands.
  2. There were white street lamps contrasting the amber light coming from the lamps attached to the outside of the Netherlands Core, along with a haze in the air.
  3. As I was looking out across the street, I noticed how the beams of light were shining through the night sky. Because there was an odd haze in the air it caused the lights to shine almost like a four-legged star or a plus sign. This was already a striking shape, until I noticed how the white light made the shape sharper and the amber light across the street had a softer and almost more welcoming shape to it. I was already planning on crossing the street, but it was a pleasant feeling to be walking away from the harsh white light and towards the warm amber light.