Archive for the tag 'Fog'

Lighting Observation 2- Week 13

1) 4/27/11, 4:22pm, Outside of Nassau/Suffolk

2) Objective: Looking up at a streetlight illuminating the fog

3) Subjective: Walking to class on this dark, wet and dreary day. I looked up at the streetlight and it was so gross outside that you could see the driplet of the fog whisping through the air.

Lighting Observation 2 (week 11)

1) Wednesday, 9PM walking outside Hofstra Hall

2) Soccer stadium lights diffused in the sky

3) I was walking back from work around 9, when it should have been dark out when I noticed I could see quite easily. I looked at the sky and the fog and mist was all reflecting the bright white lights from the soccer stadium. This created a soft whiteish purplish glow across the whole sky and was in actuality a very good light source. The strange white light of the sky created a strange surreal feeling as the night was illuminated. It was similar to the color of light you get when lighting strikes and everything is bright, but this light was constant and a little softer.

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