Archive for the tag 'gloomy'

Lighting Observation #3

16th of February, 10:00pm , Enterprise 13th floor lounge.

Objective description: the dim lights from the night outside dimly cast across the walls through large windows.

Subjective description: Imposing black shadows stretch across the walls of the room, crating a cell around me, trapping me in the dimly lit room. The only light in my shadowy cell is faint and tinged with red, giving no comfort to cling to in my haunting cage.

Lighting Ob #5

  1. 2/24/16, 4:14pm, Netherlands North Patio Core
  2. Objective: The lighting is very cloudy and dark. There is no sunlight out.
  3. Subjective: The lighting feels very sad and gloomy. The wind is slightly blowing adding to the feel of a melancholy evening. The clouds are frequent and a very light gray.