Archive for the tag 'Hugh'

Photo Observation

  2. Theme – Advertisement/Desire
  3. This ad is a parody, not a real advertisement. The harshness of the white light and the way it clouds the face in shadow create an incredibly dramatic effect. This effect has been maximized to make the desired dramatics ironic and comical, and it works.

Photo Observation

Source: My photo

Theme: Night Life

Description: I took this photo around 1 AM as I was arriving home. We have one light that we keep on to light the walkway and steps up to our door when not everyone is home yet. The white light is harsh to look at directly, but the way it lights the area gives me a warm feeling, espeicially when I’m returning home at unfortunate hour. It does more than just make the area visible, it’s what first makes me feel like I’m home.

Photo Observation

This photo was taken by me in the basement of the house I live in off-campus.

Theme: Single artificial light source

Description: A somewhat transparent bracelet is placed around a magenta pearl string light, the focal point of the photo being the thinner, and therefore more see through, portion of the bracelet that shows the word “believe.” 

Lighting Observation 4

  1. Time – Date – Location: Around 1:00 PM 02/17/20, a dorm room at Fordham in the Bronx
  2. The open blinds allow the strong sunlight to fill most of the room with a warm glow, making any artificial light unnecessary.
  3. I was visitng my bets friend, and as we walked into her dorm room, the room just felt perfect because of the sunlight. She didn’t flip a switch for a lamp, and the area directly lit by the sun ended up being the spot on her floor where we sat and spent the entire afternoon. The sunlight oozed happiness and calm, which was just we were looking for as we just hung out with each other and her cat.

Photo Obersvation


Theme: Romance

Description: I found this image fairly quickly in a google search for “top of ferris wheel,” and when I saw that it came from a website about wanting to kiss a significant other at the top of a Ferris wheel, I couldn’t help but chuckle. My own memory of doing just that is why the image of a Ferris wheel holds romanticism to me now. To add to how perfect the coincidence of where I found this photo is, the light in the photo suggests dusk or early evening, which is also when my own expereince with this took place. I’ll always find Ferris wheels romantic, and this photo perfectly captures the special feeling that memory has for me.

Lighting Observation 3

  1. Date – Time – Location: 2/14 around 1:00 AM in my bedroom
  2. Objective Description: Looking in my mirror, there are no lights on in my room and my face is illuminated solely by my laptop screen
  3. Subjective Description: I was captivated by a video game last night, it stole my focus for longer into the night than I realized or care to admit, and in a moment of pause as I was trying to work out one of the game’s puzzles, I turned my head and saw my own face and body, but barely. The light from my laptop was enough to see face, but because it was mostly shadowed with not enough light to define my features clearly, I barely even looked like myself. I thought it fitting that I could hardly recognize myself in a moment where the game was equally hard to define and understand.

Lighting Observation 2

  1. Date – Time – Location: 2/10/20 about 7:00 PM at Barclay’s Center
  2. Objective description: The sudden flood of bright lights in the entire arena
  3. Subjective description: The lights throughout the arena had dimmed or turned off, and as the team introductions started and the players took the ice, the fill of the white light told the audience that the game was starting soon, and the whole arena exploded in cheers. Everyone and everything from end to end of the arena was perfectly visible, most importantly the ice rink, and this sudden increase in visibility created excitement for the game to come

Photo Observation 1

  1. Photo posted to Twitter by user @TonyClarkCP 12/13/2019 8:05 AM
  2. Sunrise/Sunset
  3. I used to spend a weekend at Cedar Point every year, but it’s been about five years since I was last able to hold that tradition. The sunrise/sunset theme immediately had me reminiscing on the days when I would get to the park at the crack of dawn to spend a full day of pure excitement and joy. I’ve seen this exact sunrise in person, and the reflection of the early morning sun off of the metal of the tracks of the rollercoaster, fittingly titled GateKeeper, reminds me of the warmth of the sun feeling wonderful amidst the shadowy coolness typical of an early morning on a shore. The blue sky is vast and bright, matching the morning and all the possiblities a day at the park holds. 

Light Observation 1

  1. Date – Time – Location: Around 11:30 PM on January 30 in the upstairs hallway of the house near campus I live in
  2. Objective Decription – The hallway light was off, and as I came up the stairs into the hallway, the door to someone else’s room was just barely open, letting some of the light from her room into the hallway.
  3. Subjective Description – As I had been climbing the stairs to grab something from my room, I was prepared to turn the hallway light on. However, as I turned around and saw the thin strip of light coming through the door, I was relieved that the softer, dimmer light would be enough for me to see the hallway. The lamps my friend has in her room provide a much warmer glow in comparison to the harsh hallway light we have. To my relief, my eyes remained relaxed, never needing to make a quick adjustment to a shift in light, thanks to the door not being entirely closed and sharing the room’s light with the hallway.