Archive for the tag 'sheep'

Light Observation #1

1) January 30, 2012. 8:00 am. My dorm room

2) Sunlight shining through the window onto a stuffed animal in the morning.

3) Most dorm rooms aren’t the best places to find an inspiring light. The overhead light is fluorescent and harsh. I tend to like the natural light that shines through the window. Most of the time, the light is gray and sullen because it tends to be a dismal weather day. However, nothing could beat the natural sunlight that morning. The mix of orange and yellow radiating through the blinds was inspiring. I pictured the beginning scene from The Lion King when Simba was born and Rafiki holds him high on Pride Rock. The angelic light beaming through was gorgeous. I found it ironically funny to be thinking of The Lion King since the light was shown on a sheep, which if sheep lived in Africa, would be the lion’s prey.