Archive for the tag '#TasteTheRainbow'

Lighting Observation #7

  1. Wednesday, March 29th, around 7:00pm. In my dorm.
  2. The setting Sun was coming through my window and hitting my roommate’s fish tank causing a tiny square of rainbow to hit certain spots of the room.
  3. I’ve always enjoyed seeing spots of rainbow due to how the Sun hits specific objects. The fish tank is fairly new, so previous sunsets never caused random rainbows to show up in my room. The placement of the fish tank was at an angle, so there was one rainbow on my side of the room and one on my roommate’s. This provided a nice balance, especially as the Sun continued to set and the rainbows moved across my room. It provided a nice calming or relaxing mood and a nice little sparkle of vibrance to a bland dorm room.