Archive for the tag 'Woyzeck'

Lighting Observation

February 17, 2023 at 4:00pm

While working production for Woyzeck I was I was sitting on a ladder attempting to attach legs to a platform that was suspended in the air. While struggling to drill the screw into the wood, the majority of the lights suddenly went out, and only a handful were left at a low brightness.

In this moment I became very aware of necessary good lighting is to do not only construction, but anything. As they began to adjust the lights I notice that cooler tones of light allowed me to see what I was doing more clearly. For the rest of the session as I worked on the platforms I could not help but notice how easily a change in colors and positions of light can affect the work someone is doing. This constant changing in light made me feel flustered and confused as I did had to adjust how I was working in order to better see.