Archive for the tag 'yoga'

Photo Observation


1.I took this photo last Friday in upper west Manhattan.

2. I was visiting one of my friends in the city and once I left the subway station, I saw this scene right away. Because it’s so bright compared to its surrounding subjects. The first thing I saw was a highly consttasting shadow of a woman working out next to the window inside the studio. And the next thing I saw was the adverstisment board then I knew that’s a yoga studio. That’s so smart that it uses its own customer with Zero budget to do a free advertisement. Hey

Lighting Observation #2

1. February 6th, 2014 6:13 PM, Yoga Studio-Hofstra Fitness Center

2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light of a single bulb in an ornamented lamp against the background of a darkened room.

3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: In the already darkened Yoga Studio, there stood a single lamp, decorated with white paper and ornamented iron. The light from the bulb struggled to stretch past the thick walls of the paper, resulting in a faint light exuding from all sides. Against the back wall, the ornamented iron created a shadow on the faint light exuding from the light. In the dim light of the studio, the single bulb created a warm feeling, like a beacon reaching out of the darkness that surrounded us all.