Archive for April 14th, 2011

Lighting Observation

Where: My front yard

When: Tues afternoon

Objective: We were sitting on the porch and it was a cloudy evening. Then someone across the street turned their headlights

Subjective: I found it really interesting how much the colors changed when the headlights turned on in our faces. The sky seemed to be almost purple when it was a dark blue before. Everything in the light of the headlight appeared as it normally would, but when you looked into your peripherals, the colors had changed, as well as the general mood.

Lighting Observation

When: Thursday afternoon

Where: Intermural fields

Objective: The light was in front of us as we walked across the field, and there were a group of frisbee players playing with the light behind them

Subjective: The light hit the players from behind giving them a warm glow and a slight aura around them. The light was in our eyes so they appeared to be almost silhouetted. Also, when the light hit the white frisbee it made it look almost as if it had a light inside it.

Lighting Observation 2 Devin Gee

1)   4/14/11- 5pm – The Calkins Quad

2)   The shadows from some trees on the side of a building.  Created by the sun going down and casting perfect shadows on the side of the building.

3)   This moment was fascinating to me because of the way it did not make me feel.  The shadows that were cast on the side of the building were perfect shadows that reminded me of the quality of shadow in a dark night scene created by the moonlight.  The thing that struck me about this moment was the shadows and quality of light did not come off scary.  If the quality of light was whiter then the overall effect would have been more creepy.  I liked this moment because it showed me that a simple change in light quality can really change the feeling and meaning of a light even if the light creates what is considered a scary image.  I also found it interesting that as I walked around I noticed that many of the buildings had these shadows on them and even on the roof of a building.


Lighting Observation 1 Devin Gee

1)   4/12/11- 10 pm- Dorm Room

2)   Lightning flashes through the blinds in my dark room.  The bright flashes of light were from the lightning storm outside.

3)   This lighting moment brought me into a horror film.  The room was dark and I was about to go to sleep and then there was a sudden bright flash of light that came through the window, through the blinds and light up the whole room for a split second.  It reminded me of horror movies where they have a very dark lit scene and then in order to reveal something they use the bright flash of lightning to reveal that person, object etc.  It especially reminded me of the movie disturbia where the scene is very dark and then with a simple flash of light from a lightning storm it revealed the murderer in the window and it was a very scary moment and startling.  I think this technique could be great in theatre and really create the element of surprise as well as keep people on edge because it definitely kept me frightened.


Photo Observation Devin Gee

2) ( I found this photo by google images and this is the site it came from originally.)

3) Theme: Party

4) I thought this picture felt like a party to me because I associate practicals like these to being at a party.  These kind of lights are also used during christmas and other holidays, which tend to have party’s and this kind of lighting is always present.  The assortment of colors also help convey party to me because I feel as though a party in terms of light should be filled with color.  I feel as though this picture conveys party type lighting which is flashy, colorful and vibrant, it should also stick out and feel lively.  Besides the lighting in this picture other lighting that creates the same feeling are disco balls, strobe lights, lasers etc.

Photo Observation: Party


Theme:  Party

I chose this picture for party because of the light on the bar and how it is reflected in the glass bases and stems of the martini glasses.  When I think of parties, I think of drinking and I think this picture shows the party spirit with brightly colored drinks under a low light.  You can see the light reflecting off the tops of the liquid in the glasses and the fruit that is garnishing the drinks.

Lighting Observation 2, Week 11

Place/ Time:  Walking home in a thunderstorm, 12:30am

Objective Description:  Lightning seen through my plastic umbrella in a rain storm.

Subjective description:  When I was walking home though a terrifying thunder storm, there was a great deal of lighting.  Because of the amount of rain, all I could see through my plastic umbrella was blurry shapes through droplets of water.  Whenever lightning flashed everything I saw was lit up with a blueish-white light, and under the wet umbrella for a split second the light was all that I could really see.  All of the droplets would reflect the light so my whole world appeared shiny, but still very scary.

Lighting Observation 1, Week 11

Place/ Time:  Parking lot near Colonial Square, 1am

Objective Description:  Streetlight behind tree.

Subjective Description:  The streetlight that stood behind the tree, in the dark, gave the tree the impression of having a halo of light inside of its branches.  The whole top of the tree was lit with an orangey-golden glow that made it look very unnatural.  The light was reminiscent of a a distant fire.

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