Lighting Observation 1 Devin Gee
1) 4/12/11- 10 pm- Dorm Room
2) Lightning flashes through the blinds in my dark room. The bright flashes of light were from the lightning storm outside.
3) This lighting moment brought me into a horror film. The room was dark and I was about to go to sleep and then there was a sudden bright flash of light that came through the window, through the blinds and light up the whole room for a split second. It reminded me of horror movies where they have a very dark lit scene and then in order to reveal something they use the bright flash of lightning to reveal that person, object etc. It especially reminded me of the movie disturbia where the scene is very dark and then with a simple flash of light from a lightning storm it revealed the murderer in the window and it was a very scary moment and startling. I think this technique could be great in theatre and really create the element of surprise as well as keep people on edge because it definitely kept me frightened.