Archive for February, 2018

Light Observation #4

Date/Location: February 21, 2018 / Public bench behind Hofstra Hall

Objective Description: I’m laying down on a bench and directly above me is a leaf-less tree. There’s a lamp nearby and it’s shining onto the branches. The light is reflecting of the branches in a perfect circular pattern

Subjective Description: The circle the light makes in the tree looks almost scary. I can see faces in it and it resembles a spiders web. As I move around the circle the web’s pattern follows. The entire time I am waiting to find the spider to drop down on me.

Light Observation #4

1.) My Home in Attlboro Massachusetts. 4:35pm Saturday

2.) My sisters daughter’s room is on the 2nd floor of our house. The room has pink walls, pink furniture, and pink curtains (I know, its a but much). However, what is cool is that when the sun starts going down the beams come through the window, trough the pink curtains, bounce off the pink walls, and shoot strait out of the room. The pink rays make the light in the hallway pink directly across from the door and the floor leading to it is also pink.

3.) When the door is closed, the pink faintly peaks out from the bottom of  the door. When I walked towards it I imaged that I was walking towards a portal to another world, uncertain of what was on the other side. Then as I open the door to see the other side, I am hit with a array of pink light that blinds me and knocked me over. Its like being punched in the face by a fairy.

Photo Observation #4

http://warisanlighting.comAre tr


This photo is mysterious because you can only see under the street lamps, you can’t see what is in the woods. The trees are outlined by the dark blue sky. The people walking in the background could be anyone. Are they a couple on a walk? Or hitmen going to claim their next victim? Everything outside of the street lights warm beam is a mystery…

Photo Observation #4

2) I took the photo in lower manhattan near the financial district in October 2017

3) THEME: Mysterious

4) DESCRIPTION: The lighting in this photo causes a creepy and mysterious feeling. As for most of the photo it is extremely dark (which in itself is scary), but the main light comes from the window. It is mysterious becuase of how we can have no idea what’s in this room or who is inside it. The idea of the unknown is what makes many things mysterious. Becuase of how the lighting only shines in only the room creates this unsettling feeling of the unknown.

Photo Observation #4

Source: Pinterest

Theme: Mysterious

Description: This is a photo of a Costa Rican rain forest during some foggy weather, and nothing fills me with dread and wonder like some fog. The image here is taken from below an exceptionally long bridge that we can’t even see the end of due to the fog. The fog also obscures how high the bride is and how far the drop back down to land is. Within mystery, there is some curiosity in the unknown. But when we don’t know something, that gives us chills and we fear it, and this is what picture says to me.


Lighting Observation #4

  1. February 21, 2018 – 4:00am – My room
  2. I had awoken in the middle of the night. Looking out of the window, I saw nothing. Fog had completely covered my view out of my window, and the orange street lights had tinted the fog an orange color.
  3. When I had awoken, I had felt nervous because I could not comprehend why I was not able to see out of my window at first. Then I had realized that the thick fog had lowered from the sky and had covered my surroundings at eye level. The orange light of the street lights allowed the white fog to be colored. With areas of a lighter fog, the orange light was intense, and the areas that were thicker had a less intense orange coloring.

Light Observation #4

1) 2/18/18- 8:20pm- New York City (near Penn Station)

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: While walking past some buildings, there was a fairly large building with all glass windows in the front. Inside I could see this weird lobby that was empty except for one man at the end of this wide hallway next to some sort of desk. The top and bottom of these walls were lined with bright blue lights that appeared to be similar to neon lights. The color of the blue was very pure as if it wasn’t not mixed with any other color.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The light appeared to be very ominous. It caused me to feel scared in some sort of way. The light was so bright and colorful compared the the street that it felt very haunting and demanding to me. The light pierced my eyes but I couldn’t stop looking at it becuase of it’s attention grabbing atmosphere. This moment was fairly creepy becuase not only was the building strange, but the lighting really added into the weirdness of the setting.

Photo Observation #4

Title: Mystery Date

Photo Credits: Ken Koskela

Location: Ken Koskela Photography Website

Theme: Mysterious

A woman is dressed in black with red accents. The background behind the model is also black, allowing for her body to blend into her surroundings and highlighting the red accessories that she is wearing. The color of the bright red against a black background makes the photo give off an evil mood. The pose of her fingers in the red glove against the light that is hitting the model from her left side allows only certain parts of the model’s body to be seen. The contrast between the black and bright red colors, as well as the warm and cool shades of lighting allow the model to be seen, but not really.

Light Observation #3

1.) My Room Wednesday Night 2/14/18 @ 8pm.

2.) A Lava Lamp on in my dark room. The lava Lamp has a cool temperature, it is a light blue. The small Lava lamp is siting on top of my white bureau shelving in the corner of my room. My curtains are down blocking all of the Uniondale streetlights. The light turns the corner of my room a bright light blue. The beams reaches out to about 3/4 of my room and fades out before it can reach the forth wall. My walls are a light green color and when mixed with the blue light it made a very light blue-green, more blue than green. The blue light also reflected off my TV screen and gave some extra light to my bed.

3.) This light gives me an interstellar feeling. I feel like I am in a space ship that is far out in deep space. The only light source that can be seen is the blue light source running the life tanks.

Light Observation #3

Date: 2/15 Time: 6:30 pm Location: Downtown Riverside, Ca


Description: Suspended over the street, large red “lanterns” hang.  The Lanterns are a somewhat-oval shape, with gold trim. The lanterns, accompanied by the yellowish light of the streetlamps and the bright blues of the car’s headlights illuminate the street.


Subjective description: Inviting and caring, the large, red lanterns draw you in with intrigue.  These beautiful, spherical-ish balls of light create intrigue and a sense of energy.  

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