Archive for the tag 'pink light'

Lighting Observation

1) Saturday, January 25th at around 11:30pm in my boyfriend’s room in Hicksville, NY

2) The light of a salt lamp casting a orangeish, pink glow over everything, except for the shadows which were a dark blue. 

3) My boyfriend and I were talking late at night and we had a salt lamp on. In the dark room, it illuminated half of his face in a warm glow, and the other half was in shadow, a deep blue. The way the light bisected his face was a beautiful contrast. 


Photo Observation 7/Light Lab

Light Observation #4

1.) My Home in Attlboro Massachusetts. 4:35pm Saturday

2.) My sisters daughter’s room is on the 2nd floor of our house. The room has pink walls, pink furniture, and pink curtains (I know, its a but much). However, what is cool is that when the sun starts going down the beams come through the window, trough the pink curtains, bounce off the pink walls, and shoot strait out of the room. The pink rays make the light in the hallway pink directly across from the door and the floor leading to it is also pink.

3.) When the door is closed, the pink faintly peaks out from the bottom of  the door. When I walked towards it I imaged that I was walking towards a portal to another world, uncertain of what was on the other side. Then as I open the door to see the other side, I am hit with a array of pink light that blinds me and knocked me over. Its like being punched in the face by a fairy.