Archive for the tag 'yellow'

Photo Observation #5

  1. fireflies-at-night
  2. Photo found at
  3. Theme: Nightlife
  4. Most people think of clubs: neon lights and strobe, with alcohol and hip hop,  when they hear the term “nightlife”. I think of summer nights outside, just after the suns gone down. When I was a kid, I would lay outside in the back yard and gaze at the fireflies as they weaved their way in and out of the trees and bushes. They would dance across the night sky, orchestrating a beautiful composition of yellow lights. It was a magical surreal moment I looked forward to every night when the sun began to go down. The fireflies are the epitome of pure life. They do not rely on loud music, alcohol, or extravagant light shows to enjoy the night, they simply shine their own light capturing the same excitement and adrenaline one gets while out on the town, except they, unlike the latter, are genuine. This picture captures their beauty and exuberance, creating my version of what night life is.

Light Observation #8 – Dude, Look At My Car!

March 21st – 12:30AM – NAB parking lot

I was walking with Meaghan back to my car. When I hit the unlock button on my clicker, the yellow headlights illuminated in the fog.

Once again, I was helping out Meaghan with her directing scene. After a funny night of playing around with the scene, we decided to call it a night. We thought it was a wonderful idea to go to Dutch treats to get a late night snack, so we started to walk towards my car which was parked near the NAB. As I reached in my pocket, I pressed the unlock door button and the foggy air in front of us was filled with the yellow light. I immediately shouted, “Lighting moment”! I loved how the fog made the yellow light feel infinite and limitless, yet still gave a feeling that kept me alert. The problem was, that I wanted to get a picture of the lighting moment but my lights wouldn’t go off anymore. I then thought it was a better idea to turn on my car alarm at 12:30 in the morning for a photo shoot on my car in the fog. I really do have wonderful ideas. The yellow light flickered in the fog and I could see the light trail from my headlight, outward. I could see the particles midair in the light much clearer. The light reminded me of the prison spotlights. The yellow was very protruding on the eyes, like if a spotlight was on me. Anyways we went to Dutch Treats; I got a ham sandwich on wheat with mozzarella and fat free mayo. It was wonderful. And no one bothered to think twice than my car was being stolen…..

Lighting Observation 1

1)   3/6/11- around 10 o’clock pm- walking from Lowe to the Library.

2)   The sky was an orange and yellow color.  It was cloudy and rainy and it was difficult to tell that it was actually cloudy.

3)   I was walking to print out photos and I glanced up at the sky.  It was then that I realized it was not the typical color I would expect.  I expected to look up and see black or grey because it was raining and it was nighttime.  Instead I looked up and saw this amazing orangeish yellow sky and it was so vivid.  It appeared to have no source but I figured that out to be the fact that the sky was cloudy.  It was a very interesting light because it reminded me of the sky in the picture Scream.  It had a warm feel to it, which I thought was very interesting because it was obviously raining and it was also cold.  The red, orange and yellow colors that were in it made it seem as though it was coming from the sun.  It was very similar to what a sunset would look like and it had many of the same qualities in terms of brightness, color and feel.



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