Archive for the 'Light Observation' Category

Lighting Observation 4/19

Objective: I was walking on campus and noticed the light on the trees around me were moving with the wind in the leaves.


Subjective: The moving lights in the trees were like gobos as I was dancing through the forest, imagining I was performing on stage, as if it were a magical light cue.

Photo Ad Observation 4/11

Lighting Observation – part nine

4/10/2024 – 11:54 pm – Hammer Lab

Objective: The overhead lights reflect off the hammer lab’s dark windows.

Subjective: The bright intensity of the led lights hanging in the ceiling tiles provides an over-sensory feeling for the students working in the room. Since the lights are unnaturally bright, the lights reflect against the windows into the dark night, giving the human eye only the reflection on the glass instead of the outside nightlife before them.

4/10 Lighting Observation

#1 – Deep Straw, Full Intensity, Sharp Focus, 10 Degree

#2 – Golden Amber, 85% Intensity, Soft Focus, 26 Degree

#3 – Light Red, Full Intensity, Soft Focus, 70 Degree

#4 – Primary Blue, 75% Intensity, Soft Focus, 50 Degree

#5 – Parry Sky Blue, 85% Intensity, Soft Focus,90 Degree

04/11 Lighting Moment- Advertisment

Lighting Moments – Google Docs

#1: Golden Amber- 65% intensity

#2: Goldne Amber- 65% intensity

#3: White light- full intensity

#4: White light- 25% intensity

#5: White light- 25% intensity

#9: White light- 50% intensity

#10: White light- 50% intensity

Lighting Observation 4/12

4/8/24 – 10:03 AM – 6th Avenue

Objective: The sun shines and reflects light on the buildings as we walk down the street toward Radio City Music Hall.

Subjective: The sun is not reluctant to tell us it is morning. Although the buildings scrape the sky and block the sun from direct view, we still experience the power of its rays against the sheen of the glass windows.

Light Observation 4/5

Location: Breslin Hall, 4pm

Objective: Sun beams are seen from the thin area between the window sill and curtains. They are created by ambient dust and haze which dissipates as class continues.

Subjective: The outdoors stabs through an oppressive hall, impaling themselves into the minds of students who want nothing more than to leave.

Light Observation 4/5

4/5, 4:00 pm, bay window in my house

Objective description:

It is mid-afternoon, and the sky has scattered dark clouds with some blue still peeking through. The sun is not out, but it is hidden behind the clouds, so it is still light outside. The muted sun makes everything look grey-washed.

Subjective description:

The lack of sunlight outside makes my street look very cold and empty, and the energy is overall very bleak. As I sit in the window and look outside, the grey sky makes me want to stay home and take a nap. It’ll seem much nicer and warm out once the sun comes back from behind the clouds

Light Observation 4/5

4/4 – 12:49 PM – Bits & Bytes

Objective Description: Cool, natural white light coming in through the windows contrasts the warm light from the indoor lights with yellow lampshades.

Subjective Description: Another cloudy day disperses its cool light into the room, lighting it up easily. However, this light lacks the character that the warm yellow light projected by the indoor lamps displays. The juxtaposition between the two forms of light creates the effect of a warm shelter from the harsher weather outdoors.

Light Observation- Mickey Estrella

I really liked the drop shadow in the background of the photo making everything come forward and how you can see the reflection of the light on the tomato.

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