Archive for February 17th, 2012

Photo Observation #3

Theme: Shadows

I love this picture. The photographer took it while she was swinging up in the air. The sun behind her has cast angles of the swing set bars, making them seem obtuse the closer the original point is to the ground. The fact that the girl is alone makes the photo seem a little sadder in a way. Her shadow is stretched and distorted, and perhaps I’m reading far too much into it but the shadow could be a representation  about how she feels about herself and why she thinks she’s alone. Society has distorted how many young people, teenage girls especially, feel they should look and I feel that this picture could be interpreted as that.

Shadows also give an ominous feeling. Shadows are cast on the ground, but this picture makes it the forefront focus. It’s a nice change and brings to the front something we never notice trailing with us everyday.

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