Archive for February 21st, 2013

Photo Observation Week #4: Happy

Foss Hill Afternoon

2) This photo was taken by Flickr user Adrian Cook, on May 19 2012.


3) Theme: Happy


4) When I heard the photo theme was happy, I immediately knew that the photo I chose would have something to do with the sun. I have a difficult relationship with the sun- I am extremely affected by the seasons, and just having a sunny day, even in the winter makes things a little better. This is a picture of Foss Hill, on the Wesleyan campus in my town. The sun is still shining, and you can feel the warmth radiating from the left side of the picture. The sky is clear and blue, and the shadows are long and stretched out over the green of the hill. Although the sun directly in the sky is a very happy feeling, the happiest feeling comes after a long day of working at camp, when you’re relaxing outside with friends and the shadows start to get long, but the day just keeps holding on to the sun, because it’s summer and everything is bright and happy. That is what the light in this picture says to me. The day has been long, and filled with life, yet the sun is still there. It is still happy, and it’s summer, so it will stay as long as possible.

Light Observation #4

1) 2/21/13, 3:49pm, walking through Dempster on my way from Breslin to Lowe.


2) At the intersection of three hallways, there is a frosted glass skylight. The light in the hallways around it is artificial. There is a shelf in the wall of the skylight, and there are small lights hidden in it that point up at the glass.


3) The hall seemed to be glowing, and at first I didn’t know why. The contrast of the natural and the unnatural light was immediately obvious, and had an off-putting feeling. The artificial light was more orange, but harsher, while the natural light was light and grey and calm. The frosted glass made it so that instead of seeing beams of light coming in through the sky light, you saw the hall cast in an ethereal glow. The strangest part of everything was the small lights inside the wall of the skylight. They seemed unnecessary, but were interesting, as the layers of unnatural, natural, and then unnatural light seemed totally out of place and created an almost spaceship-like effect. The light makes me uncomfortable every time I walk through Dempster, but fascinated at the same time.

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