Archive for February, 2014

Light observation #3

1. Saturday, 7:32pm outside the mall

2. The light of the restaurant on the sidewalk

3. The low yellow light from the lamp outside the restaurant creeps in the empty parking lot. The scene is very reminiscent from a film noir type of situation as the lighting creates very sinister shadows on the sidewalk.

Photo Observation #3



3. Nightlife

4. Nightlife implies movement, color, intensity and this picture incorporates it all. The blurry movement lines are what really creates the mood of a lively night in the city. The lighting of the buildings in the back really illuminate the purple sky creating an orange halo around the city.


Photo Observation #3



3. Nightlife

4. The hint of light in the far background of the dense woods is like a glimmer of false hope. The small light in the night gives just enough of a glow to get the feeling of the surroundings, and to realize that there’s almost no way you can get out of this predicament. The small glow highlights the thickness of the trees and gives them a foreboding and dangerous feel. All the light is doing here is giving you hope, but quickly taking it away and replacing it with fear. This kind of lighting embodies the feeling of nighttime, because even though it may look peaceful at first glance, further evaluation lets you sense the danger of not truly knowing your surroundings. Night brings with it this oppressive nature of the dark, essentially robbing you of one of your most primal senses. These woods with the light slowly trying to filter its way through the thick branches illustrate the double standard of the night.

Light Observation #3

1. Tuesday, February 11, 6:45pm, in my room.

2. I was sitting on my computer with the lights off, doing homework, and the setting sun reflected on my screen through the window.

3. I was simply typing up a paper for another class, when I noticed a strange orange reflection on the lower left part of my screen. Distracted, I really looked at it, and the deeper I seemed to stare into the color, the more I was transfixed. The natural deep orange of the pure circle of the setting sun was made to glow almost unsettlingly unnatural as it was on the screen of my computer. It was a mesmerizing spell that broke when I turned my head to look at it straight on out the window. Even though it was more peaceful outside, the lock it had on my mind was no longer there.

Light Observation #3

1) Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7 PM in Bill of Rights Hall bathroom.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Upon entering the bathroom stall in my residence hall, all lights in the stall went out except for one that points down and is placed about 4 feet above the toilet.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The second the two other lights in the stall went out and only the one was working, I felt enclosed in an interrogation room. My whole body tensed, felt much colder, and the stall felt much smaller than it has ever before. Even though I felt this way, I couldn’t help but continue to stare at the light as if something in my surroundings was going to change. I suddenly felt guilty and criticized for having to take care of human nature. It made me a bit scared and angry, but as I was leaving, one of the other two flicked back on, somewhat relieving tension. The whole time I was experiencing this, I also felt trapped in a cave where only one light was visible for me to try to potentially reach, almost taunting me. This was not a fun light observation experience for me, but it made me realize the importance of light, especially in a bathroom.

Photo Observation #3



3) Nightlife

4) The dark room enveloped in a sea of deep blue light with a large crowd of people allows for feelings of exciting and mysterious nightlife. The bright, white light near the center of the picture looks like a incredibly bright planet; it’s almost as if ice is shooting out of the moon or planet somehow. There’s a paradoxical feeling for this image when it comes to temperature because the colors are incredibly cool and icy, but knowing that there are so many dancing bodies in the club, I feel sweaty and hot. The moving light promotes instability and uncertainty, which also leans toward unpredictability and mystery. This image serves an excitement for venturing into the unknown.

Lighting Observation #3 – Max Cerci

1) February 12 2014 8:45am

2) The sunrise and sunlight hitting the trees and buildings as well as reflecting off of the white snow.

3) As the sun was rising and the rays began hitting the snow, it looked almost as if the snow was a mirror. I could see the sky in the reflection of the snow and the world around me seemed unusually brighter than normal. Similarly, the way the sun was hitting the buildings and trees seemed to cast shadows onto the snow and ground causing everything to look much more 3 dimensional than usual.

Lighting Observation 3

1) 8:27 AM, 2/10/14, outside Liberty/Repulic Halls

2) Snow falling from a tree in front of a newly risen morning sun.

3) As a cool breeze blew through the air, the branches of the tree shook. From the crisp green pine leaves fell the dusty powder of a new snow. From behind, the bright, fresh rays of a new sun hit the snow, making the snowflakes look like shiny crystals falling through the air. The yellow rays reflected off of the snow around it, giving a golden shine to the buildings and cars in the background. The whole scene was surreal.  This is the beauty of winter.


Photo Observation #2


3. Theme: Cold

4. Description: The dark blue skies create a cool atmosphere that sets the tone for the picture.  The far horizon line in the picture creates immense depth and a sense of loneliness. Also the blue and white water create a chilling effect as the foam of the waves begin to break.

Lighting Observation #2

1. 2/6/14, 9:54 pm, Leaving Emily Lowe

2. Objective Description: There is light coming from Lowe behind me, accompanied by a blue glow from the emergency contact post.

3. Subjective Description: The light from Emily Lowe create a sort of glow around the fringe of the quad. In the distance there is a small blue light.  There is a sense of isolation as the light only goes so far as it fades to dim moon light.  When walking away from Lowe and turning back the light from the building creates an inviting place in contrast with its dark surroundings.

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