Archive for February, 2018

Photo observation 3

2) go-Montreal website

3) Nightlife

4) this photo, of a concert of some sort shows people sort of illuminated with pink, lavender and magenta light, with their hands silhouetted by light on stage.  The light on stage sort of draws the person looking at the photograph in, drawing them to the bright white lights and the beam of light it produces contrasted with the dark, purple and pink hues of the sky in the back, and the people in the foreground


Light Observation #3 – Candles

  1. Date: Valentine’s Day 2018, Time: about 7:20pm, Location: City Cellar Wine Bar & Grill, restaurant in Westbury, NY
  2. In a dimly lit restaurant, there are two walls lined with shelves of several LED candles, appearing to flicker continuously.
  3. With it being the eve of Valentine’s Day, the most common tradition associated with the holiday is to go out with a significant other for a romantic dinner. I am settling down at the table when I notice right in front of me, two walls parallel to each other. Both are aligned with warm, flickering candles, leading to either the door or the venue.

Photo Observation #3

2. From:

Photo by: Jennifer Westman
3. Night Life
4. This photo shows how the movement of light works in distorting reality. I think this picture causes a feeling of confusion when attempting to follow the light an understand what is happening in the photo, but I thought it also showed a great display of life and movement in the darkness.

Light Observation #3

1. Date: February 15, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: In front of Weed Hall
2. The is a bright blue light on top of the emergency pillars, namely the one in front of Weed Hall, and at night it casts a light blue haze immediately around it.
3. This light made me feel strange for some reason. I believe the purpose of the light is to stand out as much as possible in the event of an emergency but, in light of recent events, it comes off as almost unnerving. I always expect an emergency light like that to be red or white, but adding the situation to that lighting choices causes two feelings that conflict each other.

Photo Observation #3 – Night Life

  1. Found on:
  2. Theme: Night Life
  3. While I personally do not and have not engaged in such activities, one’s definition of “night life” can be associated with young people, particularly high school and college students, going out to party and have a good time with friends. Personally, there is something so intriguing to me about a group of people just coming together for such an occasion. Most likely, there would be music blaring through the speakers while everyone is jumping to the beat. The image depicting an explosion of light and color also makes it come across as a crazily fun experience.

Light Observation #3

1. 2/14/2018 8PM outside Netherlands Dorms

2. The flashing lights of a fireman’s car drove by, the blue and red flashing brightly as it approached the dorm. A small mix of yellow light was also in the warning lights with over the car. The front headlights a bright and harsh radiant white.

3. It was almost a shock when the vehicle turned the corner, the lights going off as a fire alarm sounded loudly. The lights hitting me just before it rounded on the building giving me a sudden flash of panic as those colors made my brain associate with danger. Then realizing it was a drill my panic calmed and I walked on with those illuminating flashes behind me.

Photo Observation #3

Location: Quebec City, Canada. nighttime.


I picked this photo because I like the effect the light string made on the street. At night time, everything that lights up spreads across the landscape. In this photo the lights have different levels of warmth so I can see how far each light travels. The string lights are higher up and make a strong beam directly below but the beam weakens then intensifies again when it gets to the next beam. The street lights spread is much more compact to the lamp post and below it, the beam does leak into that of the string lights.

This lighting gives off a joyous mood. The light is bright and playful. It reminds me of a carnival lighting back home in Massachusetts. I get a very welcoming feeling from the lighting in this photo. I picture this mood in one of those hallmark movies my mother always watches around Christmas time(although, there would probably be more snow).

Photo Observation #3

2. Photo: Taken at a fire pit in Chicago by the lake.

3. Theme: Night Life

4. Description: It was a large bonfire surrounded by the darkness of a summer night. There were left over color smoke bombs from a Fourth of July which involved many fireworks over a small lake. These smoke bombs were thrown into the fire to create an artificial flame of blues, purples, and some greens. This resulted in an amazing glow of amber light from the fire as well as those other colors. Illuminating the night around it with sudden heat of light.

Photo Observation #3

Title: Late night in the park

Photo Credits: beanarts on DeviantArt

Theme: Night Life

Description: When I think of my night life I think of my long walks with friends through parks or neighborhoods. The lighting here is beautiful to me and ideal because each streetlamp is lighting the path perfectly. The shadows aren’t ominous but more like shields protecting the lit path.

Light Observation #3

When & Where: February 14th, 2017 / Constitution Hall Room 302

Objective Description: The suns rays were beaming into the dorm room. The light was hitting everything face-front from the window, causing shadows to extend far behind each object. Everything behind a shadow is nearly invisible due to how bright the sun is.

Subjective Description: The scene was intense and arrested my view as the sun shined directly in the dorm. It was as if the suns rays were flooding like water in the room and anything in it’s way were rocks in the stream.

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