Archive for February, 2022

Lighting Observation

Date: 2-22-22

Time: 5:15 pm

Location: Bottom floor of the engineering building

Objective Description: There were TVs and lights with yellow and blue on them shining through a crossed pattern on the windows of the big data lab which then shone the color on the floor of the hallway.

Subjective Description: The yellow and blue lights created a series of triangles on the ground whose edges blurred to a glow. The shapes were a stark contrast to the dim and drab hallway they shone in like an illuminating pathway cutting into the darkness.

Lighting Observation

  1. DATE – TIME – LOCATION: February 26, 3PM, Constitution TV
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The video of Sigmacapella’s stage lighting for the ICCAs. There was a backdrop that was lit with orange light and there was blue light shining down on top of them.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The bright orange light in the background contrasts with the black outfits the people are wearing which draws the focus on the people performing while also lighting the stage in one vibrant light. The cooler blue light shining down on top of them contrasts well with the warmness of the orange and creates a simple yet dynamic set to highlight the performers.

Light Observation – #4

  1. February 26, 2021 4:34pm
  2. Location: on the mat by the window in LA Fitness in Garden City
  3. I was working out near the window in my gym and the light was shining in and reflected off against one of the pieces of metal equipment. The reflection caused a light streak across the tan wall in a  corner that otherwise is quite dark. I like this area of the gym normally for the more natural lighting (as opposed to the harsh fluorescent lights away from the windows), but the way the sun reflected against the equipment made it more opinion!

Photo Observation – Night Life

  2. THEME: Night life
  3. DESCRIPTION: I chose this photo for a few reasons. What initially stood out to me was the warm colors of the background. The colors immediately remind me of how you feel on a night out: warm, invited, exciting, having fun, etc. The lighting through the fog causes a hazy effect, and makes the depth of the crowd seem endless. Additionally, the lighting contrasting brought light against the people dancing gives a silhouette affect.

Lighting Observation – Alice McKay

  1. Date – Time – Location: February 26, 3:05 p.m., Constitution T.V.
  2. Objective Description: Sigmacapella’s stage lighting for their ICCA set.
  3. Subjective Description: The juxtaposition between the all black outfits the singers are wearing compared to the vibrant orange background and the warm purple floor creates an intense contrast that is amazing to look at. The singers moving around in the glow of the lights of the playhouse with the colors bouncing off of them as they dance makes for a stunning picture and works so well with their set.

Lighting Observation-Charlese Martin

  1. DATE-TIME-LOCATION: January 25, 8am, my dorm
  2. OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Light from my window.
  3. SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: I came back from working and went straight to my dorm. I saw a beautiful lihht seeping through the blinds of my windows. It was beautiful.


Lighting Observation

1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: My friend Erin’s house in Rockland County, NY; Tuesday, February 22, 2022; 2:30 a.m.

2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A multicolored scent wax-melting lamp shone different shades of red, yellow, blue, and pink light on the wall in an otherwise unlit room.

3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Though the room was silent and dark, as most are (and probably should be) in the middle of the night, the multihued stained glass wax-melter glowed its many colors on the wall. The soft heat, scent, and ambience created by the lamp warmed the hearts of the friends quiet in awe of the moment. The colors and warm glow were angelic, creating peaceful feelings all around.

Lighting Observation #3

Date/Time/Location – 2/25/22 at 9:33pm on the windows of Vanderpoel

Objective Description – The lights reflected around Hofstra are reflected off of the windows of Vanderpoel

Subjective Description – The light reflecting off the windows of Vanderpoel directly across from my building looks like a miniature night sky. They twinkle and glow like stars seem to on a slightly cloudy night and the different colors of the lights look like the different colors of the stars when you look through a really good telescope. Some of the lights are really big and bright, but some you can only see the tiniest hint of, just peeking out through the brightness of the other lights surrounding them. There are smaller clusters of lights that look a little like unnamed constellations and pieces of the window that look dark like they’re affected by light pollution. We may not be able to see the stars from here, but by looking at those windows I can get a glimpse of the night sky from home

Lighting Observation #3

  1. Thursday, February 24th. At the Public-Martinson Theater.
  2. I was in the audience watching Out of Time. There was a lighting cue where all of the upstage amber lights on the ground were lit, then unexpectedly a led was lit shining a bright white light, backlighting the actor onstage.
  3. The led light was only used once during the whole show, and it was for this moment. I didn’t even realize the light was there until it was turned on. Because of its intensity and  quick movement, it was unexpected and when it first tuned on, I felt like everything stopped for a moment. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but that light. Then once my brain processed that the actor was speaking again, I wasn’t focused on the light anymore.

Light Observation #3

DATE – TIME – LOCATION : February 22, 2022 at 1:24 pm , Axinn Library, Hofstra University Campus, 6th Floor


OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : A cloudy sky shines through the windows of the library. There are also dimly lit fluorescent lights set spread out throughout the roof. 


SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION : The fluorescent lights create an unsettling atmosphere with their slightly yellow hue. If they were the only light source, the space of the library would feel much smaller and more uncomfortable. However, the light streaming in through the windows creates a more uplifting mood. They fuel greater energy for me, as a student, to continue studying.

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