Light Observation

  1. Date: February 1, 2018, Time: 8:30pm Location: Hague 311
  2. There is a peachy-orange light shining through some semi-closed blinds on two walls, each showing the lines cast by the blinds the light is showing through.  On the far wall, the blinds cast shadows which are mostly parallel to the floor, whereas, on the side wall, the blinds cast shadows that occur at an angle, and are less defined as the shadows on the far wall.
  3. The shadows cast portray a sort- of mysterious, or eerie feel if paired with someone walking past the window, or a flickering of the light, the mood would be much scarier, however, the peachy light somewhat defeats some of the spooky-ness.
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One Response to Light Observation

  1. Rych says:

    Good. The objection description is better than the subjective; the subjective would benefit from more descriptive detail.

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