DATE TIME LOCATION: January 28th 2020, 3:43 pm, Stuyvesent Parking Lot
OBJECTIVE INFORMATION: I was walking back to the dormitories, but when I exited through the doors of the student center I was hit with a ray of sunshine right in my eyes and all of the cars in the parking lot were the color white. In the distance, perfectly in line with my vision towered Stuyvesent Hall, a massive shadow that evaded all light. It was nearly blinding, but the way the refelctions dotted the cars and the building loomed in the distance was truly spectacular.
SUBJECTIVE INFORMATION: On an average day in class, I never expected something extraordinary like that to happen, though when it did, I was pleasently suprised to say the least. Overall, it wasn’t an experince that made me rethink how I view light in my own world, but I was excited to find how I was already slowly starting to look for moments where lighting distracted me for a moment from my life.