Light Observation
1) DATE-TIME-LOCATION: Stop sign on front street.
2) OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: The bright sun shining on a bright red stop sign
3) SUBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: Normally a stop sign would never put me in awe or fascination. The regular job for a stop sign is to simply stop a driver. However, front street is one of the worst streets in Hempstead. There are cars booming by, and normally this stop sign is always neglected. I always wondered why people would not stop for this stop sign. Then on this day, the sun was extra bright, the beam rays were at peak 10, and the stop sign has never looked more red. I drove by it and people were actually using the stop sign. The sun’s strong opacity made the stop sign a lot harder to avoid, and made people obey the law. On this day, I was very grateful for light, but without light, how to we avoid hazards?