Date: 02/17/2023
Time: around 2:00 pm
Location: Outside Adam’s playhouse
Objective: The sky is filled with light and dark gray clouds. The pavements are much darker than usual since there was a light drizzle happening and it was also raining heavier prior to this time as well. There is little to no visible sunlight coming through the clouds, so there is mainly just a wash of cool gray throughout the atmosphere.
Subjective: Just like most rainy days, the heavy cool gray creates for a more dull and gloomy atmosphere. Not only that, but I kept thinking back to the story of Noah’s ark when I saw the rainy skies today. I can associate times like these to the moment when the biblical characters noticed the warning of the flood about to begin and the feeling of impending doom with what was going to happen. Like this moment was a stepping stone to something that could be worse.