Photo Observation!


THEME: Unreal

I took unreal to mean something that wasn’t necessarily fake, but just seems utterly impossible – magical, if you will. This really captures it for me. Fire is something notoriously unmanageable and unpredictable, and this person is bending it to her will. Not only that, but she’s doing the cool ‘breathing fire’ thing, something I’ve never been able to wrap my head around. It’s a skill of street fairs and carnivals of old, something done to draw in the audience to witness the undoable and the unknown. She’s bathed in a deep red hue created solely by the fire, and it’s reflected in her skin and visible in between her tattoos, showing what the fire is doing, even to her and her skin rather than what she is doing. The focus is on the fire, and it really draws you in.

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