Photo Observation!

THEME: #Allofthefeelings

Prior to leaving for college, I was adamant about getting pictures of my parents and my puppies for my dorm room. This picture happened in between attempts to force my dogs to pose, a concept they didn’t quite understand. Regardless, I snapped this image of my dad and my oldest dog Rajah (a ginormous black labrador who might as well be a shetland pony). Not only does this show to individuals that I love dearly, but it was taken at a time of both joy and wistfulness. I was both excited and apprehensive for my foray into the next chapter of my life, college 3000 miles from home, and in taking such pictures I managed to take a little bit of home with me. My dad is his typical perpetual tan (though not like the Jersey Shore tan – he just likes to sit out in the sun and read) and my puppy looks as sweet as ever. They’re both in between the camera and the brighter light source, casting them in enough shadow to give them a faint glow around the edges. That coupled with the brightness and beauty of a perfect summer’s day gives off a feeling of comfort and nostalgia for me, of the memories I have and the home that I miss. With showcase and finals and so much work getting packed into the next two weeks, it’s a little bit of hope for what I get on the other side.

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