2. Taken at Dance Unlimited of Hanover – approximate dates (top) April 1996 by Dawn Forristall and (bottom) April 2010 by Linda Turner.
3. #Allofthefeelings
4. There are not many things I miss about home, the big exception being the studio I danced with for sixteen years. That studio was home to me, the people there were and are my family. That’s why I chose this picture for this week – they aren’t remarkable photos, but it’s a snapshot of how I grew up. The top photo is class when I was younger, and the bottom a class in my last few years with the studio. The photos were taken at the same point in the year, and the same girls are in the photo – we grew up together, and stayed together. The lights in the studio aren’t anything special – actually, the lighting was always pretty awful. The fluorescent lights are harsh and very bright, but they always got the job done so that’s all that mattered. The lights hang pretty low in the ceiling. I can remember all too well hitting the lights if we got too much height in a jump or trick. I guess that just added to the charm of the place – it may not be five star quality, but it’s home.
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