Light Observation #6

1) 2/28/13, 2:57pm, Art History Class- Breslin

2) The recessed lighting in the ceiling is shining through the wrapper I removed from my hummus. The text from the wrapper is shadowed onto the table backwards.

3) When you see shadows, they usually aren’t crisp. When I picture shadows, I think about shadows of large things like trees and people, whose shadows usually disperse at the edges and are not so defined. This shadow, however, is extremely crisp. The letters are projected backwards on the cool blue-grey desk, creating a parallel universe sensation when contrasted to the bright oranges and reds on the wrapper. There are two light sources, and the solid, pigmented portion of the wrapper casts two disjointed ring shadows, creating even more of the parallel dimension feeling. Even the wrinkles show up crisply on the desk, which combined with the print make the solid grey table look like wrinkled newspaper. It’s strange to think that there is only one of any object, yet it is portrayed in so many ways due to shadows and reflections.

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