Archive for the tag 'Madi'

Photo Observation 3/28



Description: This pictures shows a metal ballerina statue under a cool white spotlight. The artificial top light helps emphasize the angles and lines of the ballerina’s figure, and it creates a stark contrast between the light and the statue. Since there is only one light source, the photo is somewhat two-dimensional.

Lighting Observation 3/15

3/14, 3:45pm, Bits and Bytes

Objective description: The sun is still high in the sky, and the shadows of the trees in the Bits quad are cast upon the grass. The glare of the sun reflects off of people’s jewelry and sunglasses, and the vibrance of the green grass is very apparent. The sky is light blue and free from clouds, allowing for the sun to shine down unobstructed.

Subjective description: The warm sun and bright colors fill me with a sense of ease and calm. Feeling the sunlight on my face reminds me of how close we are to spring break and warmer weather, and it makes me want to lay outside and soak up the nice weather.

Photo Observation 3/14

Photo taken by Amy Marshall, April 2022

One of the best parts of spring is when it is nice out, and our modern professors let us take class outside. In the background, you can also see that there are a lot of other classes outside because it is warm out, and there is an overall happiness and warmth to the picture. Aside from the picture being taken literally in the spring, the bright sun and vibrant green grass give the picture a feeling of rebirth and renewing, which is what spring is all about.

Lighting Observation 3/8

3/9, 8:30 pm, ACDA adjudicated concert during a piece

Objective description: There is faint amber side lighting coming from the middle side lights, and the cyc is a vibrant green color. There is little to no front lighting, so what you mainly see is the dancers’ shadows reflecting onto the bright green cyc.

Subjective description: The shadows of the dancers has a sharp contrast to the color of the cyc behind it which immediately catches my eye and draws me into the dance. The green and brown costumes and green lighting give the dance a forest, earth-like energy. As the side lights are added, we begin to see more of the dancers’ bodies, and it is very cool to see the way the lighting bounces off of the flowy costumes.

Photo Observation 3/7

Picture taken by me

I took this picture inside of a pop-up art exhibit at the ICA pre-pandemic. It was a small enclosed room with a bunch of big polka dot tubes. Additionally, the exhibit was also covered in mirrors, so you could never tell where the real tubes were and which ones were just a reflection. The whole exhibit was very trippy, and the assortment of different color lights and mirrors made it very bizarre and disorienting.

Lighting observation 3/4

3/4, 11:47 am, Adams Hall

Objective description: The sun is high in the sky, casting lots of bright light through the windows in my classroom and reflecting off of the computer screens. The glare of the sun coming off of the cars shines onto random points on the wall.

Subjective description: The overwhelming bright light hurts my eyes, considering that this is only my second class, and it makes me aware of how sleep-deprived I am. It is hard to focus on the movie on the screen because of how washed out it is from the sun. I wish we could close the blinds to dim the sunlight.

Photo Observation 2/29

Picture taken by me

I took this picture at a Delaney Bailey concert in the city last semester. We were very close to her, and it was a very intimate venue, so the darker lighting really added to the energy. The dark and vibrant lighting helped to draw attention to the focal point on stage and eliminated the background distractions. The lighting here made me think of the nightlife theme because it reminded me of club/party lighting, although it was at a casual concert. The vibrant red and purple lights added to the fun, playful environment.

Lighting Observation 2/23

2/22 – 5:17pm – Sitting in my car outside my house


Objective description: The whole sky is clouded over, and it is beginning to rain. The sun is nowhere in sight, and everything is a darker, grey color.

Subjective description: It looks and feels very bleak outside. The darkĀ  grey color of the sky makes everything feel very small and sad. I am in a good mood, but going outside makes me feel sullen and reminds me that it is still winter.

Photo Observation 2/22

Picture taken by me

I took this picture while skiing at Mount Sunapee in New Hampshire. It is very obviously cold in this picture; my family went in the middle of January, and there was actually fresh snow on the ground, not just from the snow blowers. In particular, it was super fogged over and snowy that day, so the lighting was dark, which made the picture look even colder. Especially with the snow, fog, and the dark green trees, there are no warm tones at all, and I cand remember how cold this day was from looking at this picture.

Light Observation 2/16

2/16 – 10:30 pm – inside my room

Objective description: There is a little bit of warm white light coming from a standing lamp in the corner of the room. There are also purple light covering the whole room coming from strip LED lights on my walls. There is a small amount of flicking light coming from a lit candle.


Subjective description: I keep the overhead light turned off in my room and prefer to have a bunch of smaller lights on to make the atmosphere feel more inviting. Having a few different colors of light adds dimension to my room and adds a purple tint to the posters on my wall. I feel relaxed because the dimmer lights do not hurt my eyes like my big overhead light.

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