Four Seasons Virtual Light Lab Project
Model Lit With:
G1590 at Full, front light approx, 45 deg
AP5800 at Full, full side light, approx 30 deg
YEL at Full, back light, approx 15 deg
Backdrop Lit With:
GRN at Full, down light
G335 at Full, up light
The lighting focuses on greens and oranges, which are the primary colors of fall. The colors are very deep because fall in Vermont is very romanticized as the perfect, most fall like fall. The model is lit from one side because the sun is setting.
Model Lit With:
Cyan, at Full, top front light, approx 70 deg
Yel, at Full, top front light, approx 110 deg
Backdrop Lit With:
NC at 75%, top light
Green at Full, top light
Cyan at 75%, bottom light
In order to capture the colors of spring, I wanted to make a light that, while cold looking, still captured the green promise of new growth that comes with spring.
Model Lit With:
L010 at Full, top front light, approx 90 deg
L105 at Full, top light, approx 90 deg
R41 at 75, top/side light, approx 70 deg
Backdrop Lit With:
L115 at Full, top light
G725 at Full, top light
AP6400 at Full, bottom light
I wanted to really make this image look hot, especially the model. That is why I focused on using the reds, yellows, and oranges. However, I also used green to bring out the feeling of summer and especially the Caribbean.
Model Lit With:
AP2330 at Full, bottom back light
G525 at Full, bottom front light
Backdrop Lit With:
L191 at 50%, top light
G845 at 50%, top light
AP4850 at 75%, top light
G1510 at Full, bottom light
AP1150 at Full, bottom
The main colors here are blues, with a lot of white and grey. The whites and greys are mean to evoke the way the world feels so cold and blank right before snow begins to small, and the blue is to keep the cold feeling of winter.
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