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Light Observation

The other night after a party I passed out at my friends’ house in their spare room. They refer to it as “the palagio” because it is a very elegant room. The next morning, I woke up to sunlight streaming in through the blinds. The room was illuminated and shone with its walls all painted white. There were abstract reflections on the vaulted ceiling from the mirrors in the room, as well as my phone screen which also caught the light. Combined with a warm breeze filtering in through the window and the warm mattress which i rested upon, it truly felt like a palace.

Lighting Observation 1

1. January 27, 2015, 2:00 a.m.

2. The night sky

3. I was in the backyard of my friends’ house during the snowstorm. The snow had stopped momentarily and for several minutes there was complete silence. The smooth snow cover reflected the light from the sky. Although it was the middle of the night, the saturated night sky absorbed all of the light pollution from the city and the surrounding areas. The sky was a matte lavender color and there was a low, flat light covering everything.