Archive for the tag 'Artificial light'

Photo Observation

Found on Pintrest No Original Site Available

THEME: Artificial Light

DESCRIPTION: As night falls on an abandoned street, the metal trees awaken and illuminate a path for those who dare to make midnight travels.

Photo Observation #3; Cold

My Photo of Sam Tucker, Flight Club lead Singer.

3) THEME: Cold

4) DESCRIPTION: Dark Blue light on the Elements in the Background, with Rose Light on the Foreground. Dark and Metalic objects/coloring in the background give the photo an overall cool tone.

Photo Observation

single source artificial light

This picture stood out to me because the shadow of the girl’s figure is so distorted due to the angle of light, and instead of being the typical light illuminating a figure in darkness, this still seemed to be a single source of light, but illuminated the entire shot, leaving the shadow as a negative space. The light still seems to be artificial however, as it is on about the same plane as the figure. If I had to give this photo an “idea” or meaning it would be that there is far more to a person beyond the surface and the physical, as suggested by the girl’s shadow being far larger than her body.


Photo Credit: Myself

Theme: Artificial Light

Description: This is a photo I took at the Dia:Beacon Art Gallery over Winter break, where there were multiple exhibits featuring different aspects of light. This was one of my favorites by artist Dan Flavin, which featured neon light in different colors, shapes, and sizes. This piece featured many white neon circles stacked almost like a staircase and created an interesting silhouette when my friend Sage stood in front of it.

Screen Shot 2016-03-11 at 1.01.32 AM

Lighting Observation 7: Church illuminated by the Artificial Sun at Noon-Night

7 March 2016-6:40pm-A church on the streets of NYC (not far from Penn. Station)

The front of this church was lit up with several large film lights to make it look like day on the outside perhaps while a film crew shot an interior to exterior shot.

This feeling of falseness pervaded the scene since the light was like this big illuminated patch of sunshine in a dark in comparison world. It was like someone trying to create the white and pure idea of heaven on Earth. It was like the night was bleached out by this harsh, piercing light. The light was the awkward bleach stain on your clothes. It was the thing that seemed like it was trying too much to be the thing to be the actual thing. The main point that made this light seem so wrong and unmistakable from the sun is that this light was hot, white in color. It was warm as opposed to the cool bluish daylight. This warmth marked it as fake. The various angles of the light made the shadows small and few. The brightness and seeming power of the light claimed that it would disintegrate any great patches of darkness that might try to eek out their existence in this space. The light felt like a bully trying to make its victims shout that it was day despite this being a lie. The light was an illusion of day like if someone were to use fog from a fog machine to make a water dragon’s breath. Like all illusions, the light was artificial and not the natural. The light was an actor but not perhaps the best one from the perspective of a bystander. The camera’s footage might tell a different story.