Archive for the tag 'dull'

Lighting Ob #9

  1. 4/12/2016, 2:40pm, My dorm room
  2. Objective: Light coming in from the window ass well as the light supplied by the 5-bulb lamp in my room
  3. Subjective: The feel of the lighting is warm and calm but also mixed with a tinge of dullness. The warm light is coming from the lamp where it gives off a yellow/amber color that gives the room a warm feeling. The light from outside is much more dull because of the rain that happened earlier. It’s still quite cloudy outside so the light is more gray with small streaks of white light.

Photo Observation #4 – Lonely



3. Lonely

4. On a dark night, a lone soul walks along a black and empty footpath.  The only light provided is a dull, white light emitted from the street lamps surrounding the dusky pathway. The lampposts do a poor job illuminating this vacant area, giving it an uninviting atmosphere. Silhouettes of trees and bushes rise along the walkway.  This wanderer strolls through a vast area of darkness alone, with nothing but his shadow beside him.