Archive for the tag 'laser'

Photo Observation #3

Taken by me, December 30th 2016, a night club in London…

Theme: Night life

Laser beams shoot out across the room, cutting through the darkness and stirring the excitement into the air. Vibrant colours reel through the beam creating hypnotic patterns as mist swirls though the beam, giving the light life as if its dancing with the crowd below.

Photo Observation #3

nightlife (1)


3) THEME:Nightlife

4) DESCRIPTION: Watching from the side of the club, I watched as the lights danced on the faces of the other guests. The floor was washed with a harsh red, looking almost like fire against the club’s deck. A single blue light flashed around the club, like a searchlight looking for a lost criminal. It was flanked with two smaller lights, like eyes penetrating the red. Green lasers shot around the room, piercing the light with a sharp beam. They gave an almost surreal feel to the club, like the bottom on a spaceship, landing on Earth.