Archive for the tag 'last one'

Final Photo Observation



3) Sunrise/Sunset

4) As we post our final photo observations, I wanted to do something really deep and symbolic. As the first photo theme was sunrise- looking forward to a new semester full of learning about lighting. Now, as we finish these blog posts, I thought it was only right, to end with sunset. As we look back on our semester shared, we have come so far and learned so much. This picture shows some beautiful lighting, the warmth of the sun reflecting off of the warm water below. I really like the way the palm tree is silhouetted in front of the sun as well, casting some cool shadow effects. So for the last time, here is my picture.

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 3.40.54 PM

Photo Observation

Shadow-HallScreen Shot 2014-04-28 at 12.36.48 PM



3. Shadow

4. This picture really embodies what shadows are to me. Not just because of the fact that the focal point is just one big shadow, but that the actual subject is obscured. We see nothing of her- a highlight from the light, but she is completely incomprehensible. And that’s what shadows are – they’re unknown. They’re the things that creep in through the night behind the light. They’re unknown, unidentifiable, which is exactly what the subject of this picture is.