Archive for the tag 'Lightthroughthestorm'

Photo Observation 8


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3) THEME: Spring

4) Before I came to Hofstra, I never quite grasped what the big deal was about springtime.  During winter in California, spring meant a bit of rain, less cloud cover, and eventually sunlight.  But our trees remained green all year, there was usually some sort of flowers in the garden, and when the thermometer never drops below 50, spring just doesn’t have the same impact.  Last year, Hofstra introduced me to what winter really means, as well as what moving into spring DOES mean.  Spring means new life after three months of dead gray.  Bare trees spring to life seemingly overnight, showers of pink and white above.  Spring IS the light ater the storm.  I saw scenes like the photo above when I was in Edinburgh this summer, the dull gray rain giving way to light in the afternoon, giving way to life again, even if just for a little bit.  No, there are no pretty flowers, green things and ladybugs in the picture.  But there is Spring in those beams of light, breaking through the storm that is January and February, returning to the city below after too long.